The Achilles tendon connects the heel to the calf and is essential for activities like running and walking. To treat an injury, follow the R.I.C.E. method:
Pain relievers can help but consult a healthcare professional. Physical therapy with targeted exercises aids healing and prevents re-injury. Gradual return to activity, proper footwear, and orthotics ensure long-term recovery. Injuries such as Achilles tears or Achillodynia (chronic tendon pain) may need additional medical attention.
Achillodynia refers to acute pain caused by inflammation of the Achilles tendon and its surrounding tissues. This condition can range from mild irritation to severe inflammation. In extreme cases, the tendon or nearby bursa may rupture.
The Achilles tendon transmits the power of the calf muscles to the foot and is essential for movement like walking and running. It endures forces up to eight times body weight during activities like running. Ruptures often result from overuse, weakness, or sports injuries.
Using an Achilles tendon support like the Achimed® by Medi can help reduce strain and tension. This support is specifically designed for conditions like Achillodynia and includes:
At Innovative Therapy PC, we provide personalized care and solutions, including Achimed® supports, to ensure adequate recovery and long-term tendon health.
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